Friday, January 28, 2011

She can dance if she wants to!

I have always been fascinated with dancing, I unfortunately was not blessed with the gift of rhythm. My heart beats fast each time I see Captain Von Trapp and Maria dance the Lendler. I love watching Scarlett and Rhett spin around the dance floor, it wasn't even ruined when I learned that they are on a moving platform because Clark Gable couldn't dance. I have a few friends who have some of the sweetest dance moves and a certain grace as they dance that I am extremely jealous of - Andy & Alee I am talking about you! I was the little girl who always spun the opposite direction of everyone else. Shuffle ball change may as well be called wire this electrical outlet because I have no idea how either works. I always found myself doing some sort of weird bouncing at high school dances as an attempt to not draw attention to my lack of skill. I was in my early twenties before I came to the full realization that I was never going to be a ballerina, a rockette or even a square dancer and so I decided to embrace my dance "moves" and let them shine.

We were in the courtyard area after the Vegas market and we were swaying our hips when a crotchety old man walked by and said, "NO DANCING." Uh.....don't be such a weft old man, this is perfect place for dancing, rather obvious if you ask me. I am of the faith that dance parties can happen anywhere, and frankly should happen at least once a day. My friends and I had an impromptu shuttle bus dance party. It takes a certain commitment to your art to have a shuttle bus dance party, it is most helpful if you have a head rest to use as support and a bus driver that doubles as a DJ. I performed riverdance at Jam, and was told I was the only person to ever do riverdance there. My interpretation of riverdance would bring a tear to Michael Flatley's eye, tears of pure admiration for my skill and passion. I was alone in my store doing inventory reconciliation when "She works hard for the money" came on, I danced my heart out - I don't need an audience. My sister Jamie and I bonded when we both professed a love of Neil Diamond. We blared Neil's sweet jams over my parents sound system as we jumped/danced on the sofa - George & Nan - I am too old to ground now and I am sure that there is a statute of limitations on sofa jumping/dancing.

The key to regular dancing is to have an inner soundtrack - I usually hear one of two songs in my head. The Rolling Stones' Miss you or David Bowie's Golden Years. If you don't have your own inner soundtrack you are welcome to use mine until you find what inspires you. My only plans today are lunch with DaveCall, esq. Perhaps there is law office dance party in my future.

1 comment:

  1. I swear to all things holy that you speak to my inner organs sometimes on a weird and marvelous level. They vibrate with excitement at the small wonders and threads of glee you spin on my skin and brain!
