I have had a strange mole growing under my lip for quite some time. There is a hair that grows out of it and seeing as how I am 31, unmarried, and pudgy I figured I needed to do away with this mole before people started asking me if I was a witch. So to the doctors office I went.
Not only was I having my lip mole removed, but also one on my back. I was given a gown and a room to wait in and told to sit up on the table. I am short and I was never picked for sports because of my sweet vertical jumping ability. I was told to hop up on to the table that was covered in paper, while wearing a gown that was open in the back but tied at the neck. In doing so I almost suffocated, due to my fat ass landing on the gown pulling it tight around my throat. I also ripped the paper. I waited forty five minutes for the doctor to come in. While waiting I realized that the walls were paper thin and I could hear people tinkling in the adjacent bathroom and all about a rash another patient needs an ointment for. This was not how I planned to spend my entire Monday.
When the doctor finally arrived, I had to get a shot directly in to the mole, which caused my chin and lips to become numb. The moles were quickly removed. The incision below my lip would not stop bleeding. After about twenty minutes of trying to stop the blood I asked if I could have a band aid and promised to apply pressure in the privacy of my own home. I couldn't spend anymore time listening to people on the other side of the wall tinkle.
On my way home I picked up my nephew and stopped at Cafe Rio to get some take out. I thought the band aid was doing it's job, I was wrong. When I got back in the car I realized the band aid was soaked with blood and there was blood seeping from it running down my chin. My chin was still numb so I didn't feel the blood dripping down my chin. It was pretty obvious that something was wrong. So why didn't some nice stranger say something? My nephew is only five and much shorter than I am so I am not surprised he didn't see the problem. Not one of the nice people getting my food ready, taking my money or standing in line beside me said a word. I know if I saw someone with blood running down their face I would say something. I am the person who will say something if your shirt is unbuttoned or if your fly is down, even if you are a stranger. I say something because I want someone to say something to me.
The humiliation continued once I got to my sister's house. Seeing as how the band aid wasn't working I moved on to gauze and tape. I felt the like the girl from Sixteen Candles trying to drink from the fountain. Now not only were my chin and lips still numb but the tape and gauze didn't give so the food mostly fell back out of my mouth. My sister Jamie wasn't offended, she was super kind about it and even got me a second bandage when the first one soaked through. Now that's what sisters are for.
The moral of the story is do unto others as you would have done unto you. So that was my Monday. Hope yours was better.
Ok, that made me laugh so hard I had tears run down my face and I may have snorted once...or twice.